…reviewing “Rex”


I did intend to review ‘Death by Love’ next, but on Wednesday my first book from the Thomas Nelson ‘Book Review Bloggers’ scheme arrived and I haven’t been able to put it down
(I finished it in 4 days!)

Born prematurely, undergoing invasive brain surgery at eight weeks, confirmed blind two months later, then diagnosed as autistic – life was full of challenges for Rex from the outset.
It seemed his life was to be one of darkness, isolation and difficulty, forced upon him by his multiple disabilities 
– until the light of music dawned, revealing an incredible gift!

Cathleen Lewis shares a mothers joy, pain, frustration and elation at the birth of her child, the hurdles they face together and the way God used her disabled son to teach her to trust Him.

As I read this book I grew to love Rex, feeling compassion for every trial he faced and rejoicing in his every triumph.
I was grieved by peoples readiness to either, sideline Rex because of his disabilities, or investigate his amazing abilities without recognising him as an individual.
I came away with a deep admiration and respect for Cathleen, a mother who strives to provide Rex with the fullest life possible.

This fantastic book that takes the reader beyond the mere intrigue of Rex’s musical talent, allowing us to catch a glimpse of the freedom and joy Rex experiences at his piano.

by Cathleen Lewis

Here I Stand Score – 9/10

Published in 2008 by Thomas Nelson

ISBN: 978-1-5955—5150-4

Hardback, 256 pages, £9.89 (Amazon)

(Next Book: “Death by Love” by Mark Driscoll)
