…Rejoicing in the Word of God!


Seeing as I’m three days into my Bible-in-a-year-athon
I thought I’d post a few thoughts.

So far I’ve read Gen chapters 1-7 and Matthew chapters 1-3.

The tension introduced at the Fall in Genesis 3 only increases as we see various potential saviours  rise and fall in the following chapters.
Cain, born as Adam & Eve’s first son – could he be the rescuer God promised in Gen 3:15? No - as it turns out!
What about Seth – could he be the fulfilment of the promise? – He was good, but not good enough, the curse remains!
Now Noah, here’s a good bloke – we’re told that he’s righteous, blameless and walks with God (Gen 6:9). Maybe he’ll be able to rescue humanity? The end of chapter 7 is a cliff hanger – God has initiated a re-creation through the flood and we see Noah and his family in the ark – their ‘Garden of Eden’. Could Noah actually be the second Adam?

Well I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.
(Don’t worry, I know what happens!)

The chapters in Matthews Gospel stand in contrast to those in Genesis. In Genesis we witness the fall of man and our utter inability to save ourselves. Through Matthews Gospel account we’re witnesses to the coming of the Messiah and God’s commitment to the redemption of, and reconciliation with man!

The whole of scripture speaks of Christ – Why not dive in and rejoice in the images, prophecy and revelation of the Word of God!
