
Showing posts from January, 2009

…reviewing “Rex”

I did intend to review ‘Death by Love’ next, but on Wednesday my first book from the Thomas Nelson ‘Book Review Bloggers’ scheme arrived and I haven’t been able to put it down (I finished it in 4 days!) Born prematurely, undergoing invasive brain surgery at eight weeks, confirmed blind two months later, then diagnosed as autistic – life was full of challenges for Rex from the outset. It seemed his life was to be one of darkness, isolation and difficulty, forced upon him by his multiple disabilities  – until the light of music dawned, revealing an incredible gift! Cathleen Lewis shares a mothers joy, pain, frustration and elation at the birth of her child, the hurdles they face together and the way God used her disabled son to teach her to trust Him. As I read this book I grew to love Rex, feeling compassion for every trial he faced and rejoicing in his every triumph. I was grieved by peoples readiness to either, sideline Rex because of his disabilities, or investigate h

…Rejoicing in the Word of God!

  Seeing as I’m three days into my Bible-in-a-year-athon I thought I’d post a few thoughts. So far I’ve read Gen chapters 1-7 and Matthew chapters 1-3. The tension introduced at the Fall in Genesis 3 only increases as we see various potential saviours  rise and fall in the following chapters. Cain, born as Adam & Eve’s first son – could he be the rescuer God promised in Gen 3:15? No - as it turns out! What about Seth – could he be the fulfilment of the promise? – He was good, but not good enough, the curse remains! Now Noah, here’s a good bloke – we’re told that he’s righteous, blameless and walks with God (Gen 6:9). Maybe he’ll be able to rescue humanity? The end of chapter 7 is a cliff hanger – God has initiated a re-creation through the flood and we see Noah and his family in the ark – their ‘Garden of Eden’. Could Noah actually be the second Adam? Well I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out. (Don’t worry, I know what happens!) The chapters

…New Year, New Beginnings & A New Post

The first (second!) post of 2009!! – It seems like it should be a thoughtful post filled with meaningful memories from last year, and ambitious plans for the next. This isn’t going to ‘that post’! This is just a quick post to point you in the direction of a few interesting things on the net and share a few quick thoughts. Firstly, the interesting web pages. I’ve decided to join in with the Oakhall Church Bible reading scheme – I was looking for a Bible-in-a-year plan and I found this one through another blog that I read. This may become another commitment that I later regret, it may become a legalistic ritual rather than a loving relationship, but my intention is to do the readings and post a few thoughts on here to keep accountable (I’m also on the lookout for a living, breathing Bible reading partner – watch out CCD folks!) Check out the plan by clicking here ! This week I’ve found various bloggers making reference to an article by Matthew Parris entitled “As an

…Thinking About the Incarnation!

(This was meant to be my Christmas post but with one thing and another I didn’t get round to posting it!) Recently I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the incarnation, for obvious reasons. I’d told a number of people that I was going to post my thoughts here – I’ve finally got round to it! Over Christmas we’ve sung and listened to some fantastic truths, but it was one song in particular that struck a chord with me. I was listening to the album ‘Christmas Child’ by Nia and the lyrics of the track ‘The Final Word’ stayed in my mind – especially the following lines. He spoke the Incarnation and then so was born the Son. His final word was Jesus, He needed no other one. Spoke flesh and blood so He could bleed and make a way Divine. And so was born the baby who would die to make it mine. As I said in a previous post, we can get lost in the ‘cuteness’ of the nativity play and forget the strife that surrounded the the birth of Christ. However, even if