...Unconvinced by Atheist Adverts


Well, it appears that Westminster is going to be confronted with a shocking revelation thanks to the British Humanist Association
- apparently "There's probably no God."

The BHA have been busy raising funds to emblazon this statement on the sides of bendy-buses in London. Unsurprisingly, the fundamentalist atheist, Richard Dawkins has popped up to support this initiative, he had pledged to match any donations given to a total value of £5,500. The BHA have now collected a total of £20,300, not including Prof. Dawkins' generous donation.

(As an aside, I don't quite understand Prof. Dawkins involvement in this project. With its agnostic message, it falls far short of the extreme atheistic ideal that he so aggressively preaches!)

Now, I somehow doubt that such a flimsy statement is going to allay many fears as to the existence, or non-existence, of God.
In fact I think it exposes the very shaky foundations of atheism.
I can't help but feel that 'probably' is neither comforting nor reassuring when one is weighing up such weighty issues as the meaning of life and the existence of God.

Before I run off to live my life in merry abandonment and the pursuit of hedonistic pleasure, I think I'd like a more definite answer as to the existence of God!
When it comes to matters of life, death and eternity I'd like to base my decisions on more than a worryingly vague 'probably'!

I have never had the privilege of meeting Queen Elizabeth II.
I've heard people talk about her. I've seen a person on the T.V. that people identify as her. I've read books and articles about her and I've even been on a tour of her house.
I live in the country of which she is monarch, I enjoy the benefits of her rule and my British citizenship identifies me with her.
Now, it would be sheer arrogance, if not stupidity, for me to say that just because I haven't met her, she doesn't exist - we've never been introduced and I certainly don't have an exhaustive knowledge of every living person.

You can probably see where I'm going with this...

It's the same with God, in Romans 1:19-22 Paul tell's us that God exists and we don't know Him, but it's far worse than just that!
Not only do we not know God, we don't want to know Him!
We have lived our lives in open rebellion to Him, with the end result being pain and suffering for ourselves!
We hate the idea of God and His rule over us so we suppress the truth, seeking to be the masters of our own destiny.
We call this idea of a godless existence 'wisdom', and by doing so become fools. As Psalm 53:1 says that "The fools says in his heart - "There is no God""

Stating categorically that 'There is no God' is arrogance and folly, and so a feeble 'probably' is all that 'atheism' can raise against Gods existence - and that leaves it's adherents sitting on the fence under the non-committal label of 'agnosticism'.

Without God, life in this messed up, broken and hurting world makes no sense at all.

The advert should read;

There is a God.
Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.

(But seeing as we suppress the truth, it'll never catch on!)


So people are willing to donate money to a cause that supports nothing and helps no one and the only thing it a achieves is to slightly irritate religious people and get laughed at by atheists

And here I was thinking there was a credit crunch on!!