...Exploring Christianity!


On Wednesday evening I had the privilege of leading the Christianity Explored group. Despite my initial apprehension and nerves, I say privilege because of the reaction of some of the group members to encountering the real Jesus in the pages of Mark's gospel account.

It's so exciting to hear how one particular member has already invited one of their friends to the next course, and how every time they sit down to read the gospel at home they end up turning to their spouse and saying "Wow, listen to this...!"

When people respond like that you know that they've caught a glimpse of the real Jesus!

I had the privilege of listen to John Chapman on Thursday afternoon - the author of 'Know and Tell the Gospel". He echoed something Becky Manley Pippert said at the IFES European Evangelism Conference earlier this year.

"Jesus is irresistible, when we introduce people to Him through the gospel accounts they can't help but be amazed by Him as He walks off the page to them!"

That's what I love about Christianity Explored - it puts the text in peoples hands and then lets them find Jesus there. It doesn't depend on our clever illustrations or ingenious gospel outlines, it unashamedly places its confidence in the power of God's word and the beauty of Jesus!

John Chapman is convinced that the best way to share the good news of the gospel with people is to encourage them to study a Gospel account with you - and if you're not sure how to do this why not get yourself a copy of Christianity Explored!!
