…at the start of a new season

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve been in this dusty corner of the internet! Reading some of my old blog posts has been like getting up in the attic and finding a box of long forgotten books and memories - some treasured ones you’d forgotten all about and others you wish you could forget!
So, I’ve blown the dust off, pulled the cobwebs down, swept through and given the place a lick of paint. But you may well ask why the, sudden and long overdue, flurry of action!
Well, as you may have gathered from the blog title, it’s the start of a brand new season for us…Yes ‘us’!
Alot has happened since I last posted here. I’ve now been married to an amazing, beautiful, talented woman - Becky, for almost 4 years. Last year, we decided that it was time to add to our happy family and so our daughter Alice Phoebe was born in May!
For the last 5 years we have been worshipping together at Southgate Evangelical Church. This was Becky’s church from birth and our time there has been a season of blessing at the start of our married life. However, during this time I had grown increasingly unsettled in my job. At the end of the summer holidays last year, I was given the details of a nearby church that was advertising for a Senior Elder/Pastor. I applied for the role after various confirmations that this was God’s leading. So, on the 14th of January I was officially ‘inducted’ as the Pastor at 3C Community Church in Cam, Gloucestershire.
So you're now beginning to understand why I'm dragging the blog out from behind the box of Christmas decorations and from underneath the black bag of cuddle toys, where it was languishing. My intention is to post a combination of edited and expanded sermon notes and a mixture of pastoral, theological, cultural reflections and random musings.
We’re extremely excited to see what God has in store for us as we head out on this new adventure with Him - I hope you’ll join us in prayer and action!