…No Killer – All Filler!


Well, after reading Abraham Pipers blog post from Saturday I decided that I’d post something – even if there’s no real content to it!

I thought I’d fill you all in with the next blog post I have planned and what I’ve been up to recently!

I’m planning on making my next post the first of many book reviews – I have a huge pile of books to read and I thought a great way of making sure that I actually read the books I buy is to commit to posting a short review of each book I read, along with the title of the book that I’m going to read next!

This week is fairly hectic with three big Christmas events being put on by the church – I’ve been responsible for getting the programmes printed, stapled and folded – all 1200!!
I’m feeling more Christmassy this year – I’ve been helping out, in a minor way, with the school choirs and the JYC Nativity.

Sunday evening saw the church packed for the Junior Youth Club (JYC) Nativity – and it didn’t fail to entertain!
With a house proud sheep tidying up the loose straw half way through, a very persistent Joseph who simply refused to give up asking for rooms at the Inn and then proceeded to break into dance during every song!
Children never fail to bring a touch of comedy to the nativity!

I really enjoy nativity plays – however, we can become so immersed in the ‘sweetness’ of the children's acting, we forget that when these events took place, the drama that unfolded was neither sweet nor comedic!
Mary was a teenager, whose pregnancy outside of marriage would have made her a target for abuse and gossip. She gave birth in a dirty animal shelter – probably a cave!  Within two years Herod’s jealous rage forced Joseph, Mary and Jesus to become refugees, seeking asylum in Egypt.
Yet at the centre of all this suffering and difficulty God has become flesh – Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us!

So this Christmas, take time to think through what your response to the events of that night will be?
Will you allow other things to crowd in, forcing God into the ‘out-buildings’ of your mind?
Will the rightful King over your life be rejected in anger and arrogance?
Will you recognise Christ, your Saviour, and worship him?

I’ll expand on these points over the coming days.
