
Showing posts from September, 2008

..."Interpreting Genesis 1 & 2"

(As promised, these are my edited notes from Dr. John Currid's paper at the LTS conference I recently attended) Dr. Currid read a section from an article published in the Times, Sept 13th, 2008, titled "Anglicans back Darwin over 'noisy' creationists" - click here to read this article online. One of the defining features of the reformation was a commitment to the original text. Take meaning from the text, do not infer meaning on the text. What genre? The key thing to interpreting Genesis 1 is defining the genre. So what is the genre? What was the author intending? Does Genesis 1 fit the Hebrew Poetic pattern? Line Parallelism "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands" Psalm 19:1 The second line repeats and adds to the first. - Genesis 1 lacks line parallelism. Figures of Speech "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God" Psalm 42:1 The imagery reinforces the thought the writ

...Learning Greek, Hebrew and Latin!

Well, I'm back in Shotton, in body at least! My mind is still whirring from my first journey on a 'Pendolino train' (They are quick!) and what I learned on Monday and Tuesday at the London Theological Seminaries' conference on 'Creation, The Bible and Science'. It was an intellectually stimulating conference, with all delegates leaving with a lot to chew over. We had seven papers presented to us each bringing their own perspective on this discussion. Monday 15th Sept: Interpreting Genesis 1 & 2 - Dr. John Currid   Genesis 1 & 2 - Post Copernican History of Interpretation - Dr. Robert Letham Genesis 1 & 2 - A Scientist's Perspective - Prof. Stuart Burgess The Gospel & Creation - the Significance of a Theology of Creation for Preaching - Rev. Philip Eveson Tuesday 16th Sept: The New Testament and Creation - Dr. Stephen Lloyd Design Arguments - Stepping Stones, Stumbling Blocks or Sleepi

...making 'bad news', 'Good News'!

Two posts in as many days - I'm doing well! Today has been an odd day, I haven't got all that I wanted to do done, and yet I've done far more than I'd planned to do! I booked my train ticket to London this morning - ouch! I can't quite see how extortionate prices are meant to encourage us to travel by train - unless we're meant to enjoy paying over the odds prices for a sub-standard service! Anyway, having had my bank account drained, I then headed to church, where I was meeting with Martin for my weekly supervision. This morning we discussed the first two chapters of "Preaching Pure and Simple" by Stuart Olyott. Just these two chapters had me trawling through memories of sermons I've preached in the past, and swiftly repenting for my many failings - it's a sobering thing to consider the responsibility of opening God's Word and preaching it to His covenant people! I spent this afternoon preparing for the young peoples

...up to my ankles in mud!!

Well, once again I've left it far too long since my last post - its just been one thing after another! (There'll hopefully be a video blog following this post where I'll share a little more about what's been happening over the last few weeks!) Last week I was stewarding at Forum, UCCF's annual conference for the CU leaders from all over the UK. Travelling from as far afield as Aberystwyth, Edinburgh and Oxford, over 700 students descended upon The Quinta centre, and the quiet rural village of Weston Rhyn in Shropshire. I've been to Forum three times now, but the sight of so many students coming together to hear from God, and to be enthused and equipped to live and speak for Christ on their campuses still thrills me. On Monday evening we received excellent teaching from Richard Cunningham, who took Jonathan's "...Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf..." from 1 Sam 14:6 and challenged us to be more adventurous in our Gospel proclamatio