...sorting coat hangers!

I'm not sure if anyone reads this, but if you are reading, then I apologise for my absence. All will be explained in this post.

Firstly, Monday and Tuesday I was up in Deeside, visiting the Church that I'm going to be working for for the next 12 months. Monday evening I had my interview for the job, and after all my blathering on about nothing of any consequence they still offered my the job - so from the last week in August my new title will be 'Ministry Trainee' - I'm not sure if I have to wear L plates for the year or not, but more importantly, I don't know where I'm living yet, but Martin is onto it and is going to let me know.

While travelling back from Shotton on Tuesday afternoon I occupied myself with reading the commentaries that Martin has loaned me for my sermon preparation on 1 Corinthians. However, it grew more and more difficult to concentrate on my reading as it became apparent that I was sat in to wrong carriage - I'd joined the multilingual carriage! I counted up the different languages that were being spoken, there were 5 in all; English, Welsh, French, Turkish, an Indian dialect. The 'UN train' arrived in Hereford at 14:00 and I eagerly set off to collect my new car!

I'd bought the car so that I could commute to my new job, starting the next day. As it happened, this wasn't going to happen as when I came to tax the car it was registered on the DVLA system as Tax exempt  but the V5 document said that it was a PLG. Arrrgghhh!!
Dad got onto the car dealership and they agreed to sort it all out for me - which was fortunate as it involved travelling to Worcester, and seeing as I didn't have a road legal car at this point I wasn't going to be able to drive there myself, and I'd have had to take my first day at my new job off too.

So, my new job. This is where the rather obscure title for this post comes from. Some of you will still be under the impression that I'm working on a building site - unfortunately this fell through, but the man who offered me the job found me another one, working at a recycling plant in Ross. I started on Wednesday at 8:00 and my first task was to disassemble empty DVD cases, putting the case, paper and plastic cover in 3 different bins. I was so good at this that I got promoted within the first hour of being there - I was moved to sorting coat hangers!

Before you post a comment mocking my promotion, I'd like to point out that sorting coat hangers is actually far more difficult than you might first think. Firstly you have to decide if its a nylon or a polystyrene/polypropylene based hanger. Then, if it's a trouser hanger you need to remove and clips with rubber grip pads. All the polystyrene/polypropylene hangers are fed through a crusher and past a magnet to remove all the metal bits and then the remaining plastic bits are put through a granulator and blown into a bag. This final product will then be sold to another company that will take all the granulated plastic away and turn it into...

...coat hangers!...

Hang on! (Pardon the pun!) I've just spent 2 days crushing lots of coat hangers so that someone can make coat hangers!!!

Alright then, I'll admit it, my job is pointless!
