
Showing posts from March, 2018

...Betrayed by Facebook, Warned by Judas

This week I preached at 3C for the first time in almost a month! (In March we’ve ‘halted play’ due to snow twice, and I was invited to preach to a church in Bristol on the middle week.) I’d missed gathering and sharing fellowship with my brothers & sisters so it was great to be together as we started a sermon mini-series. I’ve titled this series ‘Easter Eyewitnesses’. In each sermon we’re going to look at what happened in the lives of two of the people who were part of the first Easter. This week we spent time looking at two of the ‘villains’ - Judas & Caiaphas.   On Sunday we saw that as we witness the events unfold in the lives of these two men we should be called to repentance & faith. In this blog I want to look a little closer at Judas.   Judas - ‘Friend' Judas was one of the 12 ( Matt 10:4 ). He spent 3 years walking with Jesus. He saw the miracles. He was a ‘friend’. It seems almost inconcievable that someone who had walked so closely with Jesus and lived w